Susana Pérez's Task



This activity would be suitable for students in 3º and 4º ESO for about 2/3 sessions. Students will learn and work with vocabulary related to travelling and planning, clothes and accessories; they will work with grammar related to future tenses.

They will be divided into 4/5 groups of 3 or 4 students and each group will have a different task and in each group there will be a leader or manager and a secretary, but all of them will be resource collectors.

They have to create a plan for a two-three-days trip (the whole group will decide where they want to go to. • One group will be in charge of packing their bags. • Another group will be in charge of booking their flights. • Another group will be in charge of booking a hotel or looking for an accommodation. • Another group will be in charge of planning which activities they are going to do there. • *Another group will be in charge of finding pictures or videos of everything related to the trip

IN EACH GROUP: The leader of each group will coordinate the work and present it to the whole class. The secretary will coordinate the writing work. The rest will find and collect information and keep track of time.

ALL THE GROUPS: The secretaries have to meet to recollect all the written information they have and helped by the rest organize the plan for the trip that will be presented. The leaders have to meet to coordinate all the different parts of their work and decide the way they are going to do the final presentation. *It could be possible that some members of the groups are experts on multimedia/software, so they will be in charge of putting all the information together to be presented. At the end of these sessions of cooperative learning, our students will be able to promote and encourage their own development attitudes such as their own learning, participation and respect given to every member of the group.

Susana Pérez Pablos


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