Nora Joya's task


One of the activities that children enjoy the most is two truths and a lie. It is an excellent way to review content.

As an example, I would do it with a topic related to animals, as the five kingdoms. I would divide the class into 5 different groups, using flashcards with animals. I will give each student one card and they have to find their groupmates according to their kingdom. (The card includes the picture and the role) Then, in each group, there will be four roles: group manager who organices the group and checks the activity development, the writer, who takes notes and writes on the board, the speaker and the mediator, who helps in the group decisions and is, at the same time, the material manager.

Each team has to write two truths and a lie related to the characteristics of the animals and write them in a piece of paper. Using turns, the writer will write the three sentences on the board and the speaker will read them aloud. The rest of the groups have to guess what is the lie. We can also combine this technique with a variation of “Spend a Buck” and each team have to be ton their answer. Finally, we can play Brainbox in teams to review content.

Nora Joya Becerro


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